Workplace Equity
Canpar Transport L.P. is committed to equality in the workplace to ensure that no person is denied employment, promotion opportunities, and pay or benefits for any reason unrelated to ability. We are committed to equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees without regard to age, race, colour, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful grounds.Two major components of this initiative are:
Employment Equity
Canpar, as a federally regulated employer, is covered by the Federal Employment Equity Act which states:"The purpose of this Act is to achieve equality in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability and, in the fulfillment of that goal, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities by giving effect to the principle that employment equity means more than treating persons in the same way but also requires special measures and the accommodation of differences."
There are a number of requirements of the Act including:
In order to achieve these very important objectives, Canpar Transport L.P., has completed or is completing a number of initiatives including:
- Completion of Employee Surveys
- Completion of a Workforce Analysis
- Completion of Employment System Review and ongoing exploration of additional barriers for specific designated groups
- Ongoing work to remove physical and attitudinal barriers
- Development of a comprehensive Accommodation Policy
- Complete review of all Human Resource policies and practices to remove any language that presents a barrier and the addition of a number of new policies and practices to reinforce our commitment to Employment Equity. Policies include such matters as:
- Code of Business Conduct
- Harassment & Discrimination
- Accommodation
- Substance Abuse
- Recruitment
- Establishment and communication of short- and long-term hiring and promotion goals for the four designated groups
- Communications to employees on Employment Equity through our Company newsletter, Website and internal Intranet site as well as a variety of communications from the Human Resources department
- Union and employee consultation
The company makes every effort to accommodate special needs of employees and those looking for employment opportunities. The requirement to accommodate refers to the obligation to take steps to eliminate disadvantage to employees and prospective employees resulting from policies, rules, practices or physical barrier that has an adverse impact on individuals or groups protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act, or identified as a designated group under the Employment Equity Act (Women, Aboriginal Peoples, Persons with Disabilities, and Visible Minorities). Needs that must be accommodated result from factors such as, but not limited to, disability, sex, age, family status, ethnic or cultural origin and religious belief. Any actions under this policy will respect the confidentiality and dignity of the individual.The Company recognizes its requirement as an employer, to provide accommodation in employment up to the point of undue hardship. It will achieve this commitment by:
The employee or applicant has a responsibility for requesting accommodation including identifying, where possible, the types of accommodation she or he considers appropriate.
Employees who are members of the designated groups may request accommodation by contacting their immediate supervisor or manager; applicants for employment who are members of the designated groups may request accommodation by contacting the Supervisor in the location to which they are applying. In both cases, requests will be referred immediately to the Vice President, Human Resources. The request for accommodation should include the reason for the request and the specific nature of the accommodation being sought.
As soon as practicable following a request, a determination will be made as to the Company's ability to accommodate, to the point of undue hardship, and the results will be communicated to the person making the request. The Vice President, Human Resources will review all requests for accommodation and will make an initial determination and consult with appropriate senior management to evaluate such requests, taking into account the legitimate needs of applicants or employees and the Company.
Should the employee not agree with the decision regarding the requested accommodation, whether refused or where an alternative has been suggested, they will have the right to appeal the request to the President & CEO. All appeals shall be submitted in writing unless an alternate format is requested. If the appeal is not successful the employee maintains the right to appeal to their union through the formal grievance process (Bargaining Unit Employees) or to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Where a need is identified, the Company acts affirmatively in support of its equal employment opportunity policy.
Pay Equity
Canpar Transport is committed to equal pay for work of equal value as defined under Section 11 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. This section requires that all federally regulated companies pay equal wages to male and female employees whose work, even if different in nature, is deemed to be of equal value to the Company. Equal pay is defined as an amount falling within the same range of pay and not necessarily an equal amount in absolute terms.Canpar Transport has created position requirements and a systematic position evaluation process. These initiatives have allowed us to ensure that regardless of gender, persons doing work of equal value are paid an equal range of pay.